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quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2004

Quem é Elizabeth Loftus ?

Elizabeth Loftus é aquela Sra especialista em falsas memórias que tem aparecido nas televisões a propósito do caso Casa Pia. É muito apreciada pelo ReporterX

Os especialistas nativos beijam o chão que ela pisa.

Mas lá fora, as coisas não são bem assim. Há mais controvérsia:

Reviews of her work are mixed to say the least. In 1995, she received the Distinguished Contribution Award fro the American Academy of Forensic Psychology (Neimark, 1996). She also receives much hate mail and has had to hire security to protect her at times (Neimark, 1996). Loftus's colleagues in psychology give her similar mixed reviews. Some people prize her work, while others do their best to discount everything she claims (Leavitt, 2002). All in all Elizabeth Loftus contributes much to psychology directly through her own work and indirectly through the work others do to discount her.

Os méritos do trabalho científico de Elizabeth Loftus são analisados aqui.

Elizabeth Loftus faz parte do Conselho Consultivo da False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Segundo este site :

Much of the energy and money supporting the False Memory Syndrome Foundation comes from people who maintain they have been falsely accused of molesting children (1). The FMSF founders are Peter Freyd and his wife Pamela, whose daughter has accused Peter of molesting her as a child (2). An original member of the FMSF Advisory Board who was active in forming the FMSF is the psychologist Ralph Underwager (3).

Dr. Underwager is on record as a defender of pedophilia (4)

Elizabeth Loftus parece ter estado envolvida noutro tipo de controvérsias:

Ethics Complaints Filed Against Elizabeth Loftus

The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane Doe

E existe mesmo um site dedicado a combater a ideia das falsas memórias:

Discrediting the False Memory Syndrome Foundation

Um detalhe pessoal interessante: a mãe de Elizabeth Loftus morreu afogada (supeitou-se de suicídio) quando ela tinha 14 anos.